Privacy Policy

Takara Leben Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "The Company") strongly recognizes the importance and social nature of privacy and personal information protection, has established the following personal information protection policy, and strives to manage personal information appropriately.

1. Basic Stance

In order to implement this policy, we will establish internal rules and systems regarding the handling of customers' personal information (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information, etc."), thoroughly inform our employees, group companies, business partners and other relevant parties, and maintain and improve these rules and systems to ensure appropriate operation.

2. Proper Management

  1. (1) We will periodically review and evaluate our basic policy and personal information protection system to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use, and will maintain and improve our personal information management and protection activities.
  2. (2) In order to prevent unauthorized external access to, and loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc., of personal information, we will take appropriate safety management measures, and implement any necessary corrective measures.
  3. (3) We will make this policy available for viewing at any time by posting it on our website or other means.

3. Purpose of Use

We collect personal information by lawful and fair means for the purposes of providing and informing you about our business services, responding to inquiries, analyzing surveys, and conducting our recruitment activities, and we use personal information only to the extent necessary to achieve those purposes.
If it becomes necessary to use personal information beyond the necessary scope of the intended purpose, we will announce this on our website, etc.

4. Provision to Third Parties

We may provide personal data to our group companies, business partners, business associates, etc., after going through the appropriate procedures required by law and other regulations.

5. Supervision of Contractors

When we outsource the handling of personal information, etc., we will provide appropriate supervision to ensure the safe management of personal information, etc.