Accommodation Terms and Conditions

April 1, 2024

(Scope of application)

Article 1 The Accommodation Contract and related contracts that this Hotel enters into with the Guest to be accommodated shall be subject to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, and any matters not provided for in these terms and conditions shall be governed by laws and regulations or generally established practices.

2. In cases where the Hotel has entered into a special contract with the Guest insofar as this does not violate laws, regulations and generally accepted practices, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the special contract shall take precedence.

(Application for Accommodation Contract)

Article 2 A person who intends to apply for an Accommodation Contract with the Hotel, must provide the Hotel with the following particulars:

  1. (1) Name and telephone number (or mobile phone number) of the Guest
  2. (2) Date of stay and expected time of arrival
  3. (3) Accommodation fees (in principle, the basic accommodation fees set forth in Schedule 1)
  4. (4) Any other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel.

2. In cases where a Guest requests, during his/her stay, to extend his/her stay beyond the date specified in sub-paragraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel shall regard such request as an application for a new Accommodation Contract at the time such request is made.

(Conclusion of Accommodation Contracts, etc.)

Article 3 An Accommodation Contract shall be deemed to have been established when the Hotel accepts the application as described in the previous article. However, this shall not apply when the Hotel proves that it did not accept the application.

2. When an Accommodation Contract has been established in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, an application fee set by the Hotel, within the limits of the basic accommodation fee for the accommodation period (if it exceeds 3 days, for 3 days), shall be paid by the date specified by the Hotel.

3. The application fee shall first be applied to the accommodation fee finally payable by the Guest, and in the event of a situation to which the provisions of Articles 6 and 18 apply, it shall be applied in the order of penalty charges and compensation. The remainder, if any, shall be refunded at the time of payment of the fees as provided for in Article 12.

4. If the application fee stipulated in Paragraph 2 is not paid by the date specified by the Hotel in accordance with the provisions of the same paragraph, the Accommodation Contract shall become null and void. However, this shall only apply if the Hotel so notifies the Guest when specifying the due date for payment of the application fee.

(Special contract requiring no application fee)

Article 4 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, the Hotel may enter into a special contract requiring no application deposit after the Contract has been concluded.

2. If the Hotel has not requested the payment of the application fee as stipulated in Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article and/or has not specified the due date for the payment of the application fee when accepting the application for an Accommodation Contract, it will be treated as if the Hotel has accepted a special contract as stipulated in the preceding paragraph.

(Refusal to conclude an Accommodation Contract)

Article 5 the Hotel may refuse to enter into an Accommodation Contract in any of the following cases:

  1. (1) When an application for accommodation does not conform with these Terms and Conditions.
  2. (2) When the Hotel is fully booked and no rooms are available.
  3. (3) When the person seeking accommodation is deemed liable to conduct himself/herself in a manner that would violate the provisions of the law,public order or good morals in regard to his/her accommodation.
  4. (4) When the person seeking accommodation is deemed to fall under any of the following items (a) to (c):
    1. (a) An organized crime group as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Law Concerning Prevention of Unjust Activities by Organized Crime Group Members (Law No. 77 of 1991) (hereinafter referred to as an "organized crime group"), an organized crime group member as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 6 of the same Law (hereinafter referred to as an "organized crime group member"), an associate member of an organized crime group, or a person related to an organized crime group or other anti-social forces.
    2. (b) A corporation or other organization whose business activities are controlled by an organized crime group or an organized crime group member.
    3. (c) A corporation in which any of its directors is a member of an organized crime group.
  5. (5) When a person seeking accommodation behaves in a manner that causes significant nuisance to other guests.
  6. (6) When a person seeking accommodation can be clearly identified as carrying an infectious disease.
  7. (7) When a person seeking accommodation has made intimidating or unreasonable demands such as violence, threats or extortion against the accommodation facility or the accommodation facility staff (employees), or has requested an unreasonable burden, or is deemed to have engaged in similar behavior in the past.
  8. (8) When posting false information or malicious content on social media or message boards, or posting slanderous or libelous comments about staff or other guests of the accommodation facility.
  9. (9) When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural disasters, malfunction of facilities, or other unavoidable causes.
  10. (10) When the person seeking accommodation fails to comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, or the cancellation and payment regulations at the time of reservation.

(Guest's Right to cancel Accommodation Contract)

Article 6 The Guest may cancel the Accommodation Contract by notifying the Hotel.

2. In the event that the Guest cancels the Accommodation Contract in whole or in part due to reasons attributable to the Guest (except in the event that the Hotel has specified a due date for the application fee and requested payment in accordance with the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 2 and the Guest cancels the Accommodation Contract prior to such payment), the Hotel shall charge a penalty as listed in Attached Table 2. However, in the event that the Hotel has accepted a special contract as set forth in Article 4, Paragraph 1, this shall apply only when the Hotel has notified the Guest of the obligation to pay the penalty in the event that the Guest cancels the Accommodation Contract, in accepting such special contract.

3. If a Guest does not arrive by 8 p.m. on the day of the stay without contacting the Hotel (or by two hours after the expected arrival time if the Guest has stated such time in advance), the Hotel may regard the Accommodation Contract as having been cancelled by the Guest.

(Hotel's Right to Cancel Contract)

Article 7 the Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contract in any of the following cases:

  1. (1) When clarification of the matters set forth in Article 2, Paragraph 1 is requested, and such matters are not clarified within the deadline.
  2. (2) When payment of the application fee under Article 3. Paragraph 2 has been requested, but it has not been paid by the deadline.
  3. (3) When the Guest is deemed liable to conduct himself in a manner that would be contrary to the provisions of the law, public order or good morals in regard to his accommodation.
  4. (4) When the Guest is deemed to fall under the following categories (a) to (c):
    1. (a) An organized crime group as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Law Concerning Prevention of Unjust Activities by Organized Crime Group Members (Law No. 77 of 1991) (hereinafter referred to as an "organized crime group"), an organized crime group member as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 6 of the same Law (hereinafter referred to as an "organized crime group member"), an associate member of an organized crime group, or a person related to an organized crime group or other anti-social forces.
    2. (b) A corporation or other organization whose business activities are controlled by an organized crime group or an organized crime group member
    3. (c) A corporation of which any of its directors is a member of an organized crime group.
  5. (5) When the Guest behaves in a manner that causes significant nuisance to other Guests.
  6. (6) When the Guest can be clearly identified as carrying an infectious disease.
  7. (7) When the Guest has made an intimidating or unreasonable demand against the accommodation facility or the accommodation staff (employees) through violence, threats, extortion or other coercive actions, or has demanded an unreasonable burden from the accommodation facility, or is deemed to have engaged in similar conduct in the past.
  8. (8) When posting false information or malicious content on social media or message boards, or posting slanderous or libelous comments about staff or other guests of the accommodation facility.
  9. (9) When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural disasters, malfunction of facilities, or other unavoidable causes.
  10. (10) When the Guest fails to observe the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, or the cancelation and payment regulations at the time of booking.
  11. (11) When the Guest smokes in bed, tampers with fire prevention facilities, or fails to observe other usage regulations established by the Hotel.

2. When the Hotel cancels the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it will not charge the Guest any fees for any accommodation services, etc., that he/she has not yet received.

(Accommodation Registration)

Article 8: Guests will be required to register the following particulars at the hotel front desk on the day of their stay:

  1. (1) Name, age, sex, address, telephone number (or mobile phone number) and occupation of the Guest
  2. (2) For foreigners, nationality, passport number, place of entry and date of entry
  3. (3) Departure date and scheduled departure time
  4. (4) Any other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel.

2. If the Guest intends to pay the charges prescribed in Article 12 by any means other than Japanese currency, such as traveler's cheques, accommodation coupons or credit card, these shall be presented in advance at the time of registration prescribed in the preceding paragraph.

(Guestroom Occupancy Time)

Article 9: Guests may occupy the guestrooms of the Hotel from 3:00 pm to 11:00 am of the following morning. However, in the case of consecutive stays, guests may occupy the guestrooms all day, except on the days of arrival and departure.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may permit the Guest to occupy the room outside the hours specified in the same paragraph. In this case, an additional fee will be charged.

(Observance of Rules of Use)

Article 10: While staying at the Hotel, guests must abide by the Hotel Usage Regulations established by the Hotel and posted within the Hotel.

(Business Hours)

Article 11 The opening hours of the main facilities of the Hotel will be announced in the pamphlets provided, notices posted at various locations, or information in the guestrooms.

2. Business hours may be subject to temporary change due to unavoidable circumstances. In such cases, we will notify you by appropriate means.

(Payment of Fees)

Article 12 The breakdown of the accommodation fees, etc., to be paid by the Guest shall be as set forth in Attached Table 1.

2. The accommodation fees, etc., referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be paid in Japanese currency or by any other means acceptable to the Hotel, such as traveler's cheques, accommodation coupons or credit cards, at the front desk at the time of the Guest's departure or upon request by the Hotel.

3. Accommodation fees will be charged even if the Guest voluntarily does not utilize the guest room after the Hotel has provided it to the Guest, snd made it available for use.

(Hotel Responsibility)

Article 13 If the Hotel causes damage to a Guest in the fulfilment or non-fulfilment of the Accommodation Contract and/or related agreements, the Hotel shall compensate such Guest for such damage. However, this shall not apply when such damage is due to reasons not attributable to the Hotel.

2.The Hotel is covered by hotel liability insurance in the unlikely event of a fire or other incident.

(When Contracted Rooms cannot be Provided)

Article 14 When the Hotel is unable to provide a Guest with the contracted room, it will, with the Guest's consent, arrange accommodation of the same standards elsewhere where possible.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Hotel is unable to arrange alternative accommodations for the Guest, the Hotel shall pay the Guest a compensation fee equivalent to the breach of contract charges, which shall be applied to the amount of damages. However, if the Hotel is unable to provide a room due to reasons beyond the Hotel's control, the Hotel shall not pay the compensation fee.

(Handling of Deposit Items, etc.)

Article 15: In the event that loss, breakage or other damage occurs to goods, cash or valuables deposited at the front desk by a Guest, the hotel shall compensate such damage, except in cases where such damage is due to acts of God. However, in the case of cash and valuables, if the hotel requests a declaration of their type and value and the Guest fails to make such declaration, the hotel shall compensate such damage up to a maximum of 100,000 yen.

2. The Hotel shall compensate for damages incurred when loss, breakage or other damage occurs due to the willfull misconduct or negligence of the Hotel to goods, cash or valuables brought into the Hotel by the Guest but not deposited at the Front Desk. However, for items whose type and value have not been reported in advance by the Guest, the Hotel shall compensate for such damages up to a maximum of 100,000 yen, except in cases where the damage is due to the willfull misconduct or gross negligence of the Hotel.

3. We cannot accept items such as works of art or antiques.

(Storage of Guest's Baggage and Belongings)

Article 16 If the baggage of a Guest is delivered to the hotel prior to his/her arrival, the hotel will be responsible for storing it only if this has been approved in advance of the Guest's arrival, and will hand it over to the Guest at the front desk at the time of check-in.

2. If a Guest's baggage or belongings are found left behind at the hotel after checking out, the hotel will, in principle, wait to be contacted by the owner to inquire about the matter, and ask for instructions. If there is no instruction from the owner or if the owner is unknown, valuables and items containing personal information will be turned over to the nearest police station within seven days of the day they were found, and other items will be disposed of after three months have passed. However, food, drink, tobacco, magazines, etc., that may impair the sanitation of the environment will be disposed of on the same day.

3. The liability of the Hotel regarding the custody of the Guest's baggage and belongings in the cases of the preceding two paragraphs shall be in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding article in the case of Paragraph 1, and with the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the same article in the case of Paragraph 2.

4. The Hotel may, at its discretion, inspect the contents of any left- behind baggage or belongings in order to take appropriate action according to the nature of the contents.

5. If any costs are incurred in returning any property found at the Hotel to its owner, the owner will be required to cover these costs.

6. If a Guest intentionally or negligently leaves any belongings that are deemed to be bulky trash or require disposal fees in the guestroom, common areas, or other areas of the hotel premises, the Guest will be charged an appropriate amount as the hotel's proxy fee in addition to the disposal fee required by law. If it is objectively inferred that the belongings were left intentionally, or if there is no contact regarding the belongings within one week of the check-out date, the belongings will be considered to have been left intentionally, and ownership abandoned.

(Parking Responsibility)

Article 17 When a Guest uses the Hotel's on-site parking lot, regardless of whether the Guest has deposited a vehicle key with the hotel, the Hotel is merely lending the space, and is not responsible for the management of the vehicle. However, if the Hotel causes damage through intentional or negligent acts on the part of the Hotel in managing the parking lot, the Hotel will be liable for compensation.

(Guest Responsibility)

Article 18 If the Hotel suffers damage due to the Guest's willful misconduct or negligence, the Guest shall compensate the Hotel for such damage.


Article 19 Guests shall be responsible for the use of communications such as the Internet and e-mails via computers, mobile phones, etc., within the Hotel. The Hotel shall not bear any responsibility for any damage suffered by the user as a result of system failure, radio interference, power outages, or other reasons while using such communications. Furthermore, if damage is caused to the Hotel or a third party by any act that the Hotel judges to be inappropriate before or after the fact while using such communications, the Guest shall compensate such damage.

(Changes to the Accommodation Contract)

Article 20 The Hotel may, at its discretion, change the Terms and Conditions of the Accommodation Contract in the following cases:

  1. (1) When the change in the Terms and Conditions of the Accommodation Contract is in the general interest of the guests.
  2. (2) When the change to the Terms and Conditions of the Accommodation Contract is not contrary to the purpose of the Accommodation Contract and is reasonable in light of the necessity for the change, the appropriateness of the content after the change, the content of the change, and other circumstances related to the change.

2. When changing the Terms and Conditions of the Accommodation Contract pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Hotel will post a notice of the change, as well as the contents of the changed Terms and Conditions and their effective date on the Hotel's website, etc., at least two weeks prior to the effective date of the changed Terms and Conditions.


Article 21 In accordance with the Fire Service Act, the Hotel has installed fire alarms throughout the Hotel, and if an alarm detects a fire or other anomaly and an announcement is made over the Hotel's internal broadcasting system. the Hotel shall not be held liable for any damages suffered by guests as a result of such announcements.

2. For the safety of our guests, even if a "Do not disturb" card is displayed on the guestroom door or the button is lit, if we are unable to contact you for an extended period of time, hotel staff will call you or call you in front of your room. Please note that we may have to enter your room if we deem it necessary, such as if there is no response or in case of an emergency.

3. Please refrain from taking photographs, videos, DVDs, or recordings for commercial purposes in the rooms or on the premises without permission. In addition, even if the photographs or recordings are taken for personal use, please refrain from posting them on the Internet or distributing them via various SNS for commercial purposes without permission (including live streaming). In some cases, you may be subject to legal action.

4. Please refrain from meeting visitors in your guest room.

5. Pursuant to Article 2 of the Accommodation Contract, we will not allow anyone other than registered guests (including accompanying persons) to meet in the guestrooms or to stay overnight.

6. When the Hotel receives an item delivered to a Guest, the Hotel shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the item unless such loss or damage is due to reasons beyond the Hotel's control.

7. We will not accept applications for residence using the address of the Hotel facility as a resident registration. Proof of stay will be provided by issuing an "accommodation certificate," and we will not issue a "resident certificate."

(Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

Article 22 Any disputes regarding the contract pertaining to accommodation, etc., between the Hotel and a Guest shall be governed by the laws of Japan, and the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall be the agreed court of first instance with jurisdiction.

Appendix 1 Breakdown of Accommodation Charges, etc. (related to Article 2, Paragraph 1 and Article 12, Paragraph 1)
Total amount
to be paid
by the Guest
Accommodation fee ①Basic accommodation fee (room fee (and room fee + food and beverage such as breakfast))
Additional charges ②Additional food and drink (excluding those included in ①)
  1. A. Consumption tax
  2. B. Bathing tax (hot spring areas only)
  3. C. Accommodation tax, etc.

Note 1: Basic accommodation fees are based on the price list posted on the Hotel's website.

2 For children of elementary school age or younger who do not have bedding provided by the Hotel (sharing a bed), a separate fee will be charged in addition to the fee set forth in Paragraph 1 above. In this case, the Hotel will notify you by appropriate means.

Schedule 2 Penalty Charges (related to Article 6, Paragraph 2)...For the Hotel
The date of receipt of notice of contract termination
Number of contract applicants No stay On the day The day before 9 days before 20 days before
General Up to 14 people 100% 80% 20%
Group 15 to 99 people 100% 80% 20% 10%
Over 100 people 100% 100% 80% 20% 10%

(Note) 1. The percentage indicates the ratio of the penalty to the basic accommodation fee.

2. If the number of contract days is shortened, a penalty for one day (the first day) will be charged regardless of the number of days shortened.

3. In the event that a contract is terminated for part of a group (15 or more people), no penalty will be charged for the number of people that is 10% (rounded up to the nearest whole number) of the number of guests staying 10 days prior to the stay (or on the date of acceptance if the application is accepted after that day).